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Further research has also shown that spending time in the outdoors can reduce feelings of anger, confusion, depression, tension and fatigue, whilst also making you feel more energetic and active.


Spend the day with us participating in therapeutic woodland activities to unwind, de-stress and increase self esteem.


Please visit our Woodland Warrior Programme website for more information.


In the meantime this article written in the Chew Valley Gazette captures what we are about. We have also featured in the Daily Mirror, the article can be found here


There is a wealth of evidence suggesting that woodland activities have huge benefits to physical health and mental well-being. It stimulates senses, provides the opportunity to meet new people, increases morale, enhances mood and improves self-esteem.

Residential Programme


The Woodland Warrior Programme is a two day residential programme of therapeutic activities for armed forces personnel, veterans and members of the emergency services who suffer from a physical disability or mental health condition, or those who have no diagnosis but feel they may benefit from a little time out in nature. 



It provides participants with the opportunity to: Recuperate, Recalibrate and Re-engage. 


Set within a woodland environment, activities are centred around bushcraft and the natural world.  Designed to be therapeutic, adaptive and inclusive for all who attend, its aim is to help participants relax, learn new skills, build self reliance and esteem, strengthen social bonding and move forward into the next stage of their lives.


Many referrals to the programme are those who have become disengaged and lack confidence to continue as before. Participants can be referred to the programme via a charity/recovery centre or can be self-referred.


Examples of activities include foraging, tracking, making fire and shelters, archery, wild cooking, natural history, woodland management, woodcrafts and wilderness living skills.


All food and refreshments are included throughout the course. 


It is delivered by Nick Goldsmith, a former Royal Marine who has a deep understanding of the issues that many veterans face as a result of injury, having been diagnosed with PTSD in 2014.

There is a wealth of evidence suggesting that woodland activities have huge benefits to physical health and mental well-being. 


Spending the night or several nights in a woodland environment throughout the seasons brings its own personal challenges.  This has proven to be a life changing experience for many.  


Please contact us for the availability of The Woodland Warrior Programme or visit our Woodland Warrior Website for more information . 





We are taking a break from one to one Mentoring to focus on our Woodland Warrior Programme, please check back again soon



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Hidden Valley Bushcraft is a limited company registered in England & Wales #09830739 

61 Bridge Street Kington HR5 3DJ


© 2017 by Hidden Valley Bushcraft Ltd. Proudly created with

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